07 July, 2008

Zim: Favoured nation of God

By Special Priest John Adebanjo FROM time immemorial in natural history, great and best leaders are born out of crisis. FROM time immemorial in natural history, great and best leaders are born out of crisis. Even in biblical times, all the people through whom God operated were born out of crisis. Noah was born out of crisis which led to the deluge, judgment of the wicked world by floodwater. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Junior, even President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, who had to fight a liberation war to free his people from oppression, just to name a few, were all born out of crises. Jacob, a descendant of Abraham, had to fight an angel who he later realised was God Himself whom he beheld face to face and did not die. There and then God changed his name to Israel and made a nation out of his descendants; known till today as the nation of Israel. Howbeit, God had a purpose for the nation of Israel and God made sure the nation of Israel had to be born out of crisis. Israel was enslaved for 400 years before freedom came through Moses, who himself had to be saved from King Pharaoh’s sword. God, in the end, declared Israel as His first born during the age of the Father. When our Lord Jesus Christ came, He too was born out of crisis. He had to escape to Egypt because of King Herod, who wanted Him dead even as He was declared, through the mouth of an angel as an infant King today, He reigns over the whole earth as King of the universe. The Lord God is always doing a new thing at a time. This time around, He has chosen the nation of Zimbabwe as the first born of God during this Spirit and last age, saying: "Through Zimbabwe, the whole world will come to the knowledge of the truth." It is God’s own doing. No one can challenge that power and authority. Just like other great leaders and nations used by God to fulfil His purpose on Earth, the nation of Zimbabwe, the first born of God for this age, is being born out of crisis. In other words, it is a process that every great leader, be it man or nation, has to go through. God’s love for the nation or Zimbabwe is presently being demonstrated by the revelation of His Throne of Glory in the clouds of Heaven for all to see the sign of Christ coming to heal the nation of Zimbabwe out of all her political and economic problems. And thereafter, other nations shall learn, through Zimbabwe, how to receive God’s favour during this end time; or else they perish. Rev.4:1-3 and Rev. 14:6-7. Given the scenario articulated above, it should dawn on us that, whatever this great and highly favoured nation may be going through now should not be seen as punishment for the sin of Zimbabwe; but as a process which Zimbabwe has to pass through to enable her to become a great leader among all nations, and at the same time gaining sonship of God if she will obey the command of God (Deuteronomy 28: 113). If the first Adam had gone through a process (crisis), like our Lord Jesus Christ did, he would not have lost the sonship of God: and more importantly, the curse pronounced on man would not have been necessary, and we would all have had life in abundance, not the sufferings we are experiencing today (Genesis 3:9-19). It is, therefore, in accordance with God’s plan to fulfil the prophecy in the Bible (Matthew 21:42-44). We should, therefore, be careful in applying human wisdom, which is foolishness in the sight of God, to criticise what God has put in His power to do. AIl that is required of Zimbabwe is to turn to God, repent and believe the Good News by seeking, first, God’s Kingdom and doing the will of God here on earth as it is in Heaven which begins with offering God an acceptable holy worship. This is possible through a change within the heart of every citizen of this nation. Each and everyone should pray to God to remove the heart of stone in him or her and replace it with the heart of flesh; then you will be certain of receiving the full blessings God promised you in Isaiah 65:17-25 and regain life in abundance — inherit everlasting life. Bishops’ or pastors’ prayers cannot change the situation. Such prayer is just like praying that God should change winter to summer. No prayer can change what God has put in His power. If any prayer is to be offered at all, it should be asking God to endow all the citizens of this great and favoured nation with the seven perfect Spirits of our Lord Jesus Christ to enable God’s promise become a present reality in our lives during this trying period. God created us in His image so that we, too, can have His nature in us. As His first born He demands that we become His Holy Temple on earth to enable Him dwell in us for God is Holy; we too must be Holy. This will enable us to offer Him an acceptable holy worship in spirit and in truth here on earth as it is in Heaven (Corinthians 3:16-17; Exodus 19:6; Exodus 20:8). His Light on Earth God revealed to His prophet in 1994 that through Zimbabwe the whole world will come to the knowledge of the truth. The whole world is in darkness. Zimbabwe has therefore been chosen to be the light of the world. Matthew 5: 14-16; Luke 1: 79; Acts 26: 18). His Power on Earth God said we should have dominion over everything He had created on Earth. Thus, man was given power and authority to rule over all things on Earth as kings and priests (Mark 9:1; Luke 10:19; Acts 1:8; Romans 9:17; Matthew 24:45-47). His Mercy (His Love) God is Love; we too must love one another. God loves every living soul He has created and wants us to do likewise; showing mercy unto both the good, the bad and the ugly. He provides the rain to fall, and the sun to shine on both the good and the bad people on earth (Matthew 5:7; Luke 1:50; 2 Timothy 1:2). His Wisdom on Earth With wisdom, God created man and all things on Earth. He wants us to have His creative nature in us; to build not to destroy; to save not kill; to love not to hate: to have joy not sadness (Exodus 35:31; Proverbs 3:19; Luke 2:40; 1 Corinthians 3:19). His Spirit on Earth God wants us to allow His Holy Spirit to dwell in us by shunning all sinful thoughts and acts. We must be righteous, faithful, obedient to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, that is, the Triune God (Ezek. 36:26-27; Psalm 51:10-11; ]'1 Corinthians 3:16; Romans 8:6). His Word on Earth He wants us to be fruitful by preaching the everlasting Kingdom to bring about the end to all sorrows, all weeping, hunger, famine, sickness, accidents, disasters and calamities, death of infants, and all other "vices that man is experiencing on earth today" (Matthew 24: 14). The youths, as of necessity, must imbibe the culture of holiness in their everyday activities Right from their youthful days and allow the above-listed Seven Perfect Spirits of God to dwell in them; for the future belongs to them. God will never tell a lie. God is surely with the nation of Zimbabwe which He wants to turn into a Holy Nation of His; Wherein dwelleth righteousness. Let us all walk and work with God in His Glorious Kingdom now established on Earth to destroy the works of the devil. l Special Priest John Adebanjo, tel.: 00263 11 741515 or e-mail: kihernzimbabwe@yahoo.com

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