wish to prefix my remarks by informing this meeting that Botswana has over the years enjoyed cordial and fruitful relations with Zimbabwe and these have been characterised by cooperation in various sectors.
*Our two countries are united by a common historical and cultural heritage which has brought our people together over centuries.
* Botswana, like other Frontline States, played an important role to promote the cause of Zimbabwe's struggle to attain self rule and independence.
* We are proud to have played our role in that regard.
* Our support for Zimbabwe's liberation was informed by our own national interests, for without a free, democratic and stable Zimbabwe, we could not hope to enjoy the same in our own country.
* It is for these reasons, that Botswana has made some public pronouncements prior to the recent presidential run-off elections, condemning the acts of violence and intimidation, and urging the Government of Zimbabwe to ensure an environment that is conducive to the holding of free, fair and credible elections.
* The Election Observers, in particular those from the Pan African Parliament and SADC, have concluded that the election process did not meet the required minimum standards and did not reflect the unfettered will of the people of Zimbabwe.
* Botswana's position, therefore, is that the outcome of these elections does not confer legitimacy on the Government of President Mugabe.
* In our considered view, it therefore follows that the representatives of the current 'Government' in Zimbabwe should be excluded from attending SADC and African Union meetings.
* Their participation in the meetings of the two organisations would give unqualified legitimacy to a process which cannot be considered legitimate.
* Botswana's position is that such a scenario would be unacceptable.
* Botswana supports the consensus that seems to be emerging, which calls for the two parties to be brought together in a mediation process to find a political solution to Zimbabwe's problems.
* The personalities for the mediation process should be acceptable to both parties.
* It is also Botswana's strong view that the mediation process must treat both parties as equals.
* I wish to conclude by urging both parties to seriously reflect on the plight of the people of Zimbabwe.
* The people of Zimbabwe have suffered long enough.
* As a neighbour and a friend, Botswana stands ready to offer any assistance to the mediation process within the limits of her capabilities.
* Let me conclude by saying that Zimbabweans are our friends and we would not be genuine friends, and in fact, we would not live with our conscience if we did not express our views honestly and objectively at this critical hour of need in the history of Zimbabwe and Southern Africa, and indeed our tortured continent.
*Speech delivered by Vice President Mompati Merafhe at the AU summit
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